Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rehearsal Notes

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Aria Coachings:

Ho capito:

Masetto:  Fill out first note - good round vowel on "ho" - legato through "Ho capito.", and best legato through descending line at "chino il capo..."  Follow orchestra crescendo through "aver per me" repetitions.  At m. 77 onwards, energize but fill out the eighth notes so we do not lose them in the orchestra.

Il mio tesoro:

Ottavio:  The question about the rhythm in the first measure Ottavio sings is answered somewhat by the natural rhythm of the language.  While you can observe the two eighth notes in prinicple, the rhythm of the word "mio" requires a slight dotted "feel" to it in order to give proper stress to the first syllable.  Lean in this direction without being overly precise by dotting the rhythm completely.

Do not accent unstressed final syllables (even those which are difficult to sing!).  

Crescendo (forward phrasing) through long notes, especially the long 'F'.  Never sit on any pitch.

Meta di voi:

Giovanni:  M. 7: eighth-note pick up and legato.  Take your time on the pick up so the strings have time to settle into the downbeat.  Same at m. 57 ("tu sol verrai con me").

In m. 60, accent the "n" of "noi" then diminuendo.  Do not try to match the 'sfp' of the orchestra, but rather pace your diminuendo evenly across the bar line.

Crudelle/Non mi dir:

Recitative:  Allow the orchestra sound to clear before entering with "Ah"

Aria:  Clear phrasing.  No portamento between "son" and "io" in mm. 24-25.  IN m. 38 do not anticipate the "l" of "calma" thus breaking the legato and affecting pitch.

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