University of Tennessee Opera Theatre
Carroll Freeman, Dir.
Kevin Class, Music Dir.
Week of March 1, 2010
1) If you are going to be absent for a Musical Rehearsal/Coaching, you are to inform the Music Director (that would be Kevin Class: AND the assigned Coach (ie. Mr. Harvey or Ms. Maness) ahead of time. Securing approval from Mr. Freeman does NOT ensure that the musical staff working on your behalf is aware of your anticipated absence. Of course Stefan Barner should also be made aware of any schedule conflicts you may have. Missed rehearsals/coachings are not going to be made up so you are still entirely accountable for your own preparations.
2) Spring semester is an extremely busy time for everyone. Of course we recognize that your recitals are a top priority, and the opera department supports you fully in this. However, your aspirations to be professionals require YOU (not US) to be well organized about your preparations and to pace yourselves, in your learning of music, accordingly. Having an upcoming recital is not a legitimate excuse for not having looked at opera roles to which you were assigned several months ago. For those of you who have many irons in the fire, we have done what we could to assist you by strongly (emphatically!) urging you to learn your Pirates music back in December so that you could turn at least some of your attention to learning the demanding music of V.S. and G.S. at the beginning of this semester. Consistent reminders have also been made that there is no possibility of waiting for the completion of one project before beginning another. We can only continue to remind you of the need to invest of your own time into preparing these roles NOW as there simply is very little time left. We have pushed back the production calendar as far as is possible at this point. Please read down to note the slight adjustment that staging will begin March 22nd. This allows us the week after spring break to put both Village Singer and Gianni Schicchi together musically. That is NOT a week to learn your parts; that is the week to rehearse and put everything together so that it is ready for the intensive staging work which will follow. This is all that can be said on the topic now. Please do whatever you need to do as individuals and young professionals to ensure you are prepared when you need to be. The music staff will not have time or availability later to teach you your music, but we are always willing to advise you on how to prepare so do ask if you need help or suggestions!
Monday, March 1, 2010
VILLAGE SINGER: (Maness – Opera Room)
3:30-4:00 Minnie
4:00-4:30 Jenny
4:30-5:00 Nancy
5:00-5:30 Brent
4:00-5:00 William
GIANNI SCHICCHI: (Harvey – Harvey’s studio)
3:30-4:00 Simone
4:00-4:30 La Ciesca
4:30-5:00 Marco
5:00-5:30 Nella
PIRATES: Check KO Schedule – at the Depot
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
3:30-4:30 Candace (C. Stevens
4:30-5:30 Candace (R.A. Moore)
VILLAGE SINGER: (Maness – Opera Room)
3:30-5:30 ALL Choir Music (Alma, Minnie, Jenny, Nancy, Pollard, Wilkins, Emmons, Brent)
3:30-4:00 Schicchi
4:00-4:30 Rinuccio
4:30-5:00 Lauretta
5:00-5:30 Gherardo
PIRATES: Check KO Schedule
Friday, March 5, 2010
Week of March 8
SPRING BREAK: No Village Singer or Gianni Schicchi
Week of March 15
Musical Rehearsals (including Tuesday and Thursday evenings) of Village Singer/Gianni Schicchi: A specific schedule will follow.
Week of March 22
March 22: OFF BOOK – Staging begins Monday, March 22nd.
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