Thursday, August 25, 2011

UTOT Fall Casting

First of all, thanks to everyone for their attention and professionalism during auditions.  It really was one of the smoothest and most enjoyable audition experiences since my arrival at UT.  While life dictates that there will ultimately be disappointments, I couldn't help but be impressed with the seriousness with which everyone took these auditions.  In all honesty, there were several instances in which individuals did some of their most impressive work.  It was a pleasure to see and hear everyone giving their all.

Below are the cast lists for UTOT's Fall productions.

More information about the Medea workshop in particular will be available very soon!

All my best



Angelica:                                Theresa Dunigan,  Linda Brimer
Genovieffa:                           Maria Natale, Genevieve Kimbrough, Erin Underwood
Osmina:                                 Alex Engle, Adara Towler
Dolcina:                                 Annie Schwartz, Natalee McReynolds
Principessa:                          Cate Bolden, Martha Prewitt
La Badessa:                           Adara Towler, Holly Ownby
La Maestra delle novizie:   Sarah Fitch
Zelatrice:                               Susan Thieme, Julie Roy
Infermiera:                           Amanda Lovell
Cercatrici:                             Lauren Brown, Katie Merrell
                                                Rachel Goldsten, Hana Lamb
Converse:                              Bianca Griffin, Mariel Westervelt
Novizia:                                  Christina Marcenkus, Maddy Witt
                                                Jenna Weaver, Elizabeth Williams

**(All MEN participate in off-stage Chorus)**

NOTE:            CAST MEETING:  Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 7pm in AMB 50
                        More information regarding the content of this meeting will be forthcoming.

THE MEDIUM - G. Menotti

Monica:                                  Natalee McReynolds,  Genevieve Kimbrough

Madame Flora (Baba):          Martha Prewitt, Cate Bolden

Mrs. Gobineau:                    Alex Engle, Maria Natale, Annie Schwartz

Mr. Gobineau:                     Ryland Pope, Ian Richardson

Mrs. Nolan:                           Sarah Fitch, Susan Thieme

Toby:                                      Boris VanDruff, Ian Richardson, Kris Herron

NOTE:            CAST MEETING:  Monday, August 29, 2011 at 3:30pm in AMB 50
                        More information regarding the content of this meeting will be forthcoming.

MEDEA - L. Delinger

Workshop:  October 17-26

Jason:                                                 Kevin Doherty

Medea:                                               Susan Thieme

Creon:                                                Aaron Murphy

Older Boy (tenor):                           Kris Herron

Younger Boy (tenor):                      Cody Galyon   

Nurse:                                                Sarah Fitch

Tutor:                                                 Ian Richardson

Messenger:                                       Boris VanDruff

Chorus:                                              TBD

NOTE:                        More information regarding the score and workshop plans will follow.